Navy (1970)

Length: 11 min., Format: 35 mm., color, documentary
Production: the Israeli film Service,
The Israeli Navy
A Collaboration with the painter Yigael Tumarkin
Cinematography: Adam Greenberg
Editing: Jacquot Ehrlich
"I was
asked to give a maximum description of the Israeli Navy but to
show the minimum of it on the screen, due to military censorship",
said David Perlov about his film Navy. "That meant something
like shooting a white cat on a field of snow. A war ship is an
army secret, a submarine is an army secret, so how does one make
a film? And yes, if you are a conscientious film maker you have
ambivalent feelings about making a film on the army. There is
beauty in war weapons, in the cannons and missiles, and they excite
you, but they also mean destruction and death. I tried to solve
all this by making use of the visual conception of comics. In
collaboration with the painter Yigael Tumarkin and using a particularly
dynamic editing, my attempt was to make a kind of a war game."
This film, commissioned by the Navy and the Israeli Film Service,
turned into an artistic documentary, surprising and original.