first met Nathan Zach twice" - these words open David Perlov's
film on the poet, to whom he was tied by a 40 year long friendship.
Gradually, at a delicate pace, Perlov develops an intimate dialogue
with Zach. The camera rarely leaves the poet's expressive face,
while his heart slowly opens up. Zach recites his poems, tells
of his poverty stricken childhood in Haifa and of the death
of his mother, hints at his secrets and weaknesses, laughs,
sings and remembers.
Perlov shows Zach frolicking with pet-animals - a parrot, two
dogs, and even an eagle: "For me, the communication with
them is much easier than with humans", he says. There is
also a meeting with the friend and poet Daliah Rabikowitz. With
simple, moving and emphatic means, Perlov creates a lucid portrait
of one of Israel's greatest poets.
"Not the Victor's Honor" - a poem written by Nathan Zach, dedicated to David Perlov
Haaretz - By Nirit Anderman haartez
Haaretz - By Erez Schweitzer
Haaretz - By Nadav Hollander