In Search of Ladino (1981)

Length: 60 min., Format: 16 mm. Color, documentary
Production: The Israeli Film Service
Cinematography: Y. Wein, G. Danzig
Judeo-Espagnol, "Spagnolit",
Jeudesmo - these are the other names for Ladino, the language
developed by Jews who were expelled from Spain and found refuge
in other European countries. Ladino, its stories and folklore,
echo in a Jaffa club, at a Tel Aviv market, in the streets of
Yehud and in Jerusalem. Jews from Saloniki, survivors of the death
camps, Jews from Turkey and Bulgaria, old and young - and sometime
even Ashkenazi and Yemen born, speak the language, and sing the
beautiful Ladino Romansas, in a film full of love for human faces,
for music, and for an ancient and rich Jewish culture.